Posted on: 16, December 2020 by aquas_admin
Posted by: aquas_admin
So as you know, our specialty is irrigation. We talk about sprinklers and getting water to the places on your lawn that need it the most. But sometimes, we’re only part of the solution and getting control of your landscape involves us and several other moving parts.
Getting a handle on your yard can be overwhelming at first – and for most the question of ‘where to start’ is far more complicated to answer than ‘where do I want to go?’ So with the new year right around the corner, we’ve got your back. Here are a few New Year’s Resolutions that you can make to help give you a starting point for giving yourself the gift of a nicer lawn in 2021.
Hopefully these tips will give you a little inspiration and motivation. Let’s jump right in!
Get rid of those weeds
The reality is that it’s hard to find any lawn that doesn’t have a few weeds. They’re out there. That being said they can really grab ahold of your surroundings and do some real damage – if not kill it entirely. We also get that most folks like you dread weeding. Its takes time and even if you do a bang-up job, the weeds can come back.
That being said, it’s worth it to hire a professional to come in and help take care of it. If you want your lawn to look great, these folks will know what to do, how to do it and the investment you make will be well worth it and literally double the investment of other projects (like having us install a sprinkler system) that you decide to undertake.
Irrigate that lawn!
There’s nothing that looks worse than dead, brown patches all over your lawn. If this is happening, it’s probably because your lawn isn’t getting enough water! If your answer isn’t installing an irrigation system, then you’ll want to make sure you get yourself in the habit of watering the lawn on your on A good rule of thumb is to make sure your lawn gets at least 1 inch of water per week – whether that’s from you, your irrigation system or rain.
Dawn and dusk are the two best times to water your lawn because not only will the water not evaporate, but the lingering water can reflect off the sun and burn your grass. So find some time at the beginning or end of your day to water and you’ll start to notice a big, very bright difference.
Learn to fertilize
Fertilizer is like jet fuel for your lawn. It will give your grass the nutrients it needs to give you a greener, fuller look. There are a ton of different methods for fertilizing however, and those methods depend heavily on what your intentions are and what goals you’re looking to accomplish. Make sure you ask some pros the best approach for your lawn and make sure you follow the instructions to the ‘t’.
Enjoy your lawn more
2020 has been an absolutely exhausting year. We’ve had a grueling pandemic, a Presidential election, societal unrest, lots of unemployment and for those of us who are still working – more on our plates than ever before. Above all else, take more time for you, yourself and your loved ones and enjoy your lawn more. Play on it, relax on it and enjoy it. We’ve all been moving fast enough. Don’t be afraid to pump the breaks.
Hopefully these tips will help you get a start at getting your lawn back under control. Of course if you need any help, you can call us and we’ll be happy to do a walkthrough. But more than anything else, here’s to a much, much better 2021 for us all! Good luck and best of health and happiness in the new year!